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Reflection 1: Articles Review

  • The articles are easily accessible from the Pro-Quest online database and other sites available online.

  • It enhances our knowledge regarding how computers can be very useful and helpful  in learning and teaching processes. 

  • It encourages us to interact with other groups in ensuring that our articles differ from each others. 

  • It saves time and allowed us to find suitable articles because the database provides us with various related journals. 

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Reflection 2 : Grammatical Analysis (Experiental Metafunction)

  • We did on analyzing the Experiential Metafunctions on Grammatical Analysis subject that indirectly bring us to recall the subject that we must take on our first year in IIUM.

  • By analyzing the sentences that we got from a blog which is by Amir Muhammad as our corpus analysis, we practice ourselves to know functional grammar by detecting all the verbs involved in the sentences.

  • In collecting the data, we put them in a table and we use chart to make it easier for our presentation and easier for the lecturer and students to understand.

  • Besides, we manage to get the articles for our literature reviews and the findings and discussion give benefits to the study and to us.

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Reflection 3: Forensic Linguistics

  • This assignment widens the students’ views regarding other branches of linguistics that can be applied in Language Learning and also Language Research.

  • Shows to us how linguists play important roles in solving crimes rather than only focusing on the process of teaching as we often see.

  • It helps us in noticing which university offers the course of Forensic Linguistics and gets more information by visiting their websites.

  • Allows us to discover that they are many crime cases that require the specialties of Forensic Linguists in solving them.

  • However, there are restricted numbers of corpora that can be found as forensic evidence is mostly confidential and inaccessible.

  • As confidentiality is a serious matter faced in analyzing the corpora regarding Forensic Linguistics, it is complex for us to identify how much can a Forensic Linguist contribute to the solution of crime cases.

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Reflection 4

  • As Computer-Assisted Language Learning is applied to all of the assignments assigned by the lecturer, the tasks of students become easier and more reliable. 

  • It also takes a shorter duration of time to complete the research as students used the search engines such as Google, Yahoo, MSN and others in order to find authentic data to be presented in the assignments.

  • We find out that most of our references are from the e-book, articles and journals available in the internet. We also used the Pro-Quest journals that are accessible at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) in finding relevant articles to be used in our researches. 

  • We utilized Microsoft Excel in counting and also organizing our data and findings. By using this programme, it takes a shorter time and also provides us a more reliable and approximate result rather than doing it manually.

  • Computer played a very crucial tool and also partner in the process of carrying research regarding Language Learning. 

  • The tasks are displayed systematically in blog and this enables lecturer and students to view the assignments and can be used as further reference by future learners.


           Throughout carrying the tasks given, we have undergone many valuable experiences, obstacles and challenges in order to complete the assignments. These tasks are completed successfully with the assistance from the computer as a tool and also partner of the students. As the assignments need further researches and deep understanding, computer plays the vital role in ensuring that the tasks is carried out systematically, easily and also conveniently. We did not waste papers during the process of submitting the assignments as they are posted on blog and through blogging activity, these projects can be viewed overtime by the lecturer and also students. In short, we have faced the difficulties successfully and we hope that the findings will suit the requirements of the tasks given.

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Islamization of Knowledge

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