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Islamization of Knowledge

Islamization of Knowledge in “A Room with a View” by E.M Forster
Literally, Islamization of knowledge is a terminology that describes a variety of approaches to create the ethics of Islam with various subjects of modern thoughts. These subjects are such as English literature, linguistics, psychology and others. A prominent Malaysian scholar, namely Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas coined the phrase “Islamization of Knowledge” in his famous writing, “Islam and Secularism”. Later on, it was again proposed by a Palestinian philosopher, Ismail Raji al-Faruqi in 1982. In English Literature 20th Century and Contemporary (ENGL 3040) class, students are exposed to various plays, novels and poems. This assignment is significant because it is a step towards the Islamization of the curriculum in ensuring that what is learnt in English Literature 20th Century and Contemporary subject is reflected with the Islamic worldview. It is crucial for educational purposes and it promotes better understanding of Islam as a religion.
The novel that we are focusing on is “A Room with a View”, a medieval English narrative written by E.M Forster. There are quite a number of themes presented in this novel. Since it is a novel that depicts the lifestyle of French and English people, Islamization can be applied at almost all parts of the themes. 
Firstly, the novel discusses on the rights of women in the society. Lucy Honeychurch, the central character of the novel, was not given the opportunity to make her own choice upon whom she will marry and who she thinks is the best for her. This act is totally contradicted as compared to Islamic point of view since Islam views men and women at the same level. Therefore, according to Islamic teachings and jurisprudence, women should be given the choice in determining their own destinies as long as it does not astray from the teaching of the religion.
Secondly, E.M Forster presents the theme of repressed sexuality in the English community back in the 19th Century. Repressed sexuality is also known as sexual ethics that is a state in which a person is prevented from expressing their sexuality. Sexual repression is very subjective and it varies greatly between cultures and moral systems. This is opposed to the French society in Florence in which the people are more open in discussing and dealing with sexual matter.
Finally, through this novel, readers have the chance to explore more about Italy and England because the novel is set in Florence and London. It reveals to readers the significance of these places and it opens our minds to ponder and explore the beauty of nature as described by E.M Forster. During Lucy’s visit to Italy, many interesting places are mentioned in the novel such as the churches, museum and etcetera. As Islam always encourages mankind to explore the creation of the Almighty, this novel never fails to open our minds in imagining and witnessing beautiful places and wonderful nature in most of its settings.

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Powerpoint Presentations

Second Powerpoint Presentation: Lesson Plan

First Powerpoint Presentation: Ideal Class Environment

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Summary: "Blogging in teacher professional development: Its role in building computer-assisted language teaching skills"

This summary is based on the article entitled “Blogging in teacher professional development: Its role in building computer-assisted language teaching skills” written by Puvaneswary Murugaiah et al (2010). The goal of the study is to reveal teachers’ involvement in practicing the usage of multimedia and computer technology in assisting them in learning and teaching processes. It aims to explain on how English language teachers in Smart Schools[1] exposed to technical skills that is required to teach in technology-enriched schools. This skill is the process of teaching through blogging in an English community.
                        As mentioned by Puvaneswary (cited in McLaughlin and Oberman, 1996) computer functions as a teacher in gaining and understanding new concepts of content and pedagogy as well as the new role of educator that it plays. According to Hampel and Stickler (2005), their skills pyramid[2] explained that in Level 3, the computer that plays the function as online teacher must be able to confront any obstacles and possibilities of the approach that they use. Computer also plays role as pupil when students are given the opportunities to engage in knowledge exploration, information exchange and individual knowledge enhancement when they utilize computer as partner in solving the given task (Liaw et al, 2008). Farmer (2007) also agrees with this point when he explained that computer users connect with each other by expressing their ideas and emotions through blogging. On the other hand, computer functions as tool in Level 1 of the skills pyramid (Hampel and Stickler, 2005) when it shows that computer applications are used in order to assist students in competing their tasks. For example, the usages of word processing and internet. In Level 2, the skills acquired at this level are correlated with computer being product and also process oriented. For example, the process of using specific software resemble that computer can be a medium of process oriented while the outcome is product oriented. It is proven by Barlett-Bragg (cited in Muwangga-Zake et al, 2010) that through product oriented, blogging is proven to have the potential to enhance students’ higher order thinking skills (critical and creative thinking). According to Snyder and Briggs (2003), computer can be a medium of discovery learning in which students can solve problems, share ideas, build strategies and develop relationships with other members. Through discovery learning, computer helps students in their professional growth and also professional development of teachers.
As pointed by Yang (2009), blogging serves as a platform for student-centered learning. It means that learner-centered approach encourages student to have multiple perspectives upon a subject matter. Added by Farmer (2007), it is important that students have multiple perspectives because knowledge is obtained from diverse nationalities, cultures and characters. Authentic use of language is applied in blogging as students exercise to express their personal statements through networks. This is proven by Efimova and Fiedler (2003) that this exercise enriches the collaborative learning process which requires the blogger to practice using proper language.

The method that this project used involved twenty teachers from five Smart Schools located in the Klang Valley and the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur. From twenty of the teachers, there are five female teachers from the English language community. Their teaching experiences had been ranged from five to eighteen years and four of them experienced ten years of teaching. In order to make them know each other better, two meetings had been arranged.  These meetings are arranged to specify their tasks in the group during the project time. As the project is designed with its own aims, the number of group members is smaller, for example, from five to eight people.
Teachers are invited to have face-to-face meetings in order to form a strong relationships between them and get to know each other. In this online project, specifically blogging activity, participants are required to post blog entries on two tasks regarding their teaching practices which are about the reflection of a lesson whether they are good or poor. Then, teachers have to participate in a discussion forum to discuss or give comments about posts that had been posted by their friends.  Basically this blogging activity was conducted within five months time and there are moderators that involved giving them mental and emotional supports.

                        The three main findings that are highlighted in this article are the exposure to skills, enhancement of existing skills and the other one is sharing and collaborating through blogging.  This project assists the teachers to be exposed to new skills besides enhancing their existing skills on online system. In addition, by sharing and collaborating in blogging activity, they also can get the support from friends of the group. 
There are seven levels of skills that they can get from the blogging activity which are  the basic of ICT competency, specific technical competence for the software, dealing with constrains and possibilities of the medium, online socialization, facilitating communicative competence, creativity and choice and the last one is acquiring own style.  Teachers should have basic information technology skills for example the emailing system and browsing skills. It leads to the possibilities of the medium to bring positive emotions to the students. Moreover, online socialization deals with interaction in which will develop communicative competence. From the previous skills, teachers will produce creativity and have choices for the interesting activity and it will leads to the teacher’s own style.  
Obviously, this project provides teachers with an opportunity to learn about competence which is always expected from the teachers nowadays. Besides, it polishes their existing competence thus it helps them to build their self-confidence in implementing new technology in educational system.
According to the article, the findings of the project also consist of the enhancement of existing skills and sharing and collaborating through blogging.  This project creates a common platform or as a medium for the teachers to share their opinions, thoughts and feelings about computer assisted language learning, for example, the methods to teach students by using computer or internet.  Through the entries in blog and further comments or discussions, some solutions can be made and implemented in teaching system. The ongoing interactions build strong connection between the teachers involved in which they always share common feeling and give support to each other.  From that, they will be more confident in making a decision about computer learning and application.
The use of computer technology in assisting language learning improves students’ participation and excitement in learning language. It also requires the teachers to convey their knowledge in a more creative way. Simultaneously, they may enhance students’ higher order thinking skills in acquiring the knowledge of language learning. From this article, we can clearly see that the writer agrees that computer can be made as teacher, pupil and tool in teaching and learning processes. It promotes different approaches in acquiring language and also improves their understanding towards the subject that they are learning.


There are some implications of blogging in computer assisted language teaching. First of all, it provides opportunities for the teachers themselves to learn about the computer, especially in blogging fields because computer is part of technology. It is for the teachers to simplify their methods in teaching and learning processes, either present or in the future. Another implication is it enhances the interaction between teachers and students. Nowadays, blogging has becomes one of the famous activities among youth and elder people. This enables teachers to deliver their teachings well, and students are capable of asking anything about the subject that they do not understand at any time. Furthermore, it also enhances the interaction between the teacher and the students. As a blogger, they are also known as community of practice and by this, they are still in learning process and share their knowledge through blogging, and this is one of the benefits that the teachers will get. Last but not least, it can improve the teachers and students’ knowledge regarding the technology itself through blogging.

[1] Smart School is a school that is fully-equipped with facilities that are technology-supported for students.
[2] Skills pyramid is identified by Hampel and Stickler and it presents the competency of computer application in assisting learning process by the teacher.
Reference: Murugaiah, Puvaneswary . "Blogging in teacher professional development: Its role in building computer-assisted language teaching skills." International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology (IJEDICT) 6.3 (2010): 73-87. Print.

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Themes - English Literature: 20th Century and Contemporary

                            ...السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته 

  • English Literature 20th Century and Contemporary is the literature produced beginning World War 1 to the modern era. 

  • Among various subjects discussed in class, we are focusing on only one significant novel that is relevant with the theme given which is, 'A Room With A View' written by E.M Forster.

  •  The novel is written in 1908, and it was set in Italy (Florence) and England (Surrey).

  • The story is both romance and also critique of the English society at the beginning of the 20th century.

The image of the front page of the novel, "A Room with A View"

E.M Forster

The themes discussed in the novel are ;

  1.  repressed sexuality
  2. freedom from institutional religion
  3. rights of women
  4. true love
  5. growing up
  6. nudity

Theme of the Blog

  • Normally when we open our windows, we can see beautiful views from the room.

    • As it is the major concern of the novel, therefore, we choose a template that portrays the wonderful views outside the room and how it can inspire our lives.

    • This view proves to us that we should be thinking out of the box and not conformed to traditional ways of thinking because it assists in building our personality.

    • The choice of colors used is to enhance the reader’s and bloggers’ interests in Literature. Rather than assuming it as a tedious subject matter to be discussed, the blog shows how interesting the subject of Literature is.

    Why do we choose English Literature: 20th Century and Contemporary?

    We choose English Literature: 20th Century and Contemporary because this subject deals with various kinds of literary works and it keeps developing throughout the century. For example, T.S Eliot, George Bernard Shaw, Samuel Beckett and others respectively used different methods in conveying their thoughts and emotions to readers.

                Other than that, by learning this subject, we are exposed to many legacies that reflect the condition of women in the society by the time women suffrage movement took place. For example, a play written by G.B Shaw entitled, “Major Barbara” and a novel by E. M. Forster namely, “A Room with a View”.

                In addition, this subject also reflects the importance of war poets in contributing the stories behind the wars (World War I, World War II, Cold War, etc.) through the war poets’ masterpieces. These poets are such as; Wilfred Owen, Sigfried Sassoon, Isaac Rosenberg and others. Throughout their poems, students are able to learn how wars destructed the institution of nations. We also realized that human beings should be living in peace and harmony as war is not the solution to any problem that we faced.  

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    About Us

    *Siti Aminah Bt Jamaludin
    Group leader
    From : Georgetown, Penang
    Major : English (Linguistics and Literature)

    *Nurul Hanin Bt Imar
    From : Taiping Perak.
    Major : English (Linguistics).

    *Nur Khairunnisha Bt Ismail
    From : Taiping, Perak.
    Major : English (Linguistics) and Minoring in Political Science

    *Noorfarahdila Bt Jamaludin
    From : Permatang Pauh, Penang
    Major : English (Linguistics) and Minoring in Political Science.

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